Collection: Val Wecerka

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Designerin Val Wecerka

Val Wecerka says that her work is strongly influenced by personal biographical experiences. As a child of two cultures, she feels influenced by both countries and is constantly torn between her origins and her second home. Over time, the barriers of speaking, thinking and acting merge and she finds her place in what initially seems to be an infinite universe.

For Val Wecerka, questions about the concept of home and homeland are central, and have preoccupied her since 1992, when she left her post-communist homeland. In a series of paintings and sculptures, she explores the definition and existence of a home. Initially, she constructed her works based on letters and newspapers, in which she wrapped objects to transport them to Vienna.

Her early works included letters and collaged newspapers, which later turned into abstract forms and became illegible. Val Wecerka quotes Christo in an interview: "If someone, like me, flees to make art, nothing and no one can stop them."