Collection: Interior

In this collection we present selected works from traditional design to vintage furniture and textiles. Discover beautiful things and use them to make your home a special place of well-being. Sophisticated design interiors are the symbiosis of style, function and comfort.

With us you will find handmade unique pieces from talented designers to hand-picked cult objects from traditional houses. Every element contributes to the living atmosphere of your home because colors, shapes and surfaces influence our mood.
Discover our range and get inspired!

  • Unique interior for your home

    Welcome to DESIGN FOYER , your source for exceptional interiors . Our collection includes hand-picked pieces that combine traditional design with contemporary elegance. Immerse yourself in our diverse selection and transform your home into an oasis of beauty and comfort.

  • Design interior for the highest demands

    At DESIGN FOYER we understand that sophisticated interiors are the symbiosis of style, function and comfort. Our furniture and accessories are not only aesthetically pleasing, but also functional and comfortable.

    Our goal is to offer you high-quality products that enrich your living atmosphere and reflect your personal style. Colors, shapes and surfaces play a crucial role in this, as they influence your mood and well-being.

  • Tradition meets modernity: Our range

    Our interior range offers a wide range of styles to suit every taste. From classic furniture to vintage textiles, you will find:

    • Handcrafted unique pieces by talented designers
    • Vintage furniture with timeless charm
    • Textiles in various patterns and materials
    • Cult objects from traditional houses

    Each item in our range has been carefully selected to add character and personality to your home.

  • Redesign your home

    Discover the potential of your home with DESIGN FOYER. Visit our interior category and be inspired by our selection. We are proud to present you with a hand-picked selection of furniture and accessories that will make your home a place of well-being.